

We are able to undertake a wide range of ecological projects from initial habitat baseline surveys and preliminary ecological appraisals to reptile surveys and the production of habitat management and monitoring plans for Biodiversity Net Gain projects.

Planning authorities are demanding ever-more detailed ecological information before greenlighting an application – so supplying the correct data at the right time, presented in the right way, is crucial.

CLM has always supported clients in this regard – and undertaking Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA) remains one of our strengths.

If you’re looking to submit a planning application for a new development, a PEA is typically the first stage of a site assessment and will be required for most planning applications. It establishes what a site’s potential is to its support protected species and / or habitats. The results of this may be sufficient for an application to be validated – or it may identify further survey work that is necessary. This could be a protected species survey (great crested newts, bats, water voles or dormouse, for example) which we can also organise.

We have accredited members of CIEEM in the team and can offer ecology support to clients such as landowners, homeowners, residential and commercial developers and utility companies. As specialists in BNG, we can also carry out baseline habitat surveys for BNG and regularly do so for both landowners and developers.

So whether you’re a farmer keen to put up a new agricultural building or a developer looking to build from scratch on a new site or convert existing buildings, get in touch.

CLM will give you detailed, authoritative ecological advice – from single pieces of work to full project management.


“CLM is a great sounding board. Whether I’m making infrastructure decisions, considering commercial projects or submitting a tender to rent land, I know I’ll get objective, constructive and helpful advice, even if it’s not necessarily what I want to hear. They really speak my language. From the day-to-day items like valuations to more strategic ones like rights or way and big diversification projects, they’re one of my first ports of call.”  

Rob Wilkins

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